Attendance in Seminars, Symposia & Lectures

Guest Speaker for Ciba Giegy on the use of Beta-blockers in hypertension in Lahore, 1982
Guest Speaker for Bayer International for introduction of calcium channel blockers in heart disease in Lahore
Conducted trials for Pfizer International on Prazocin thiazide combination Minizide, and read papers in the introductory seminars for the drug in Pakistan at Karachi, Lahore, and Rawalpindi, 1985
Conducted trials for Pfizer International on Salbactam ampicillin (Unacyn) in staph aureous infections (one year), and read papers in the introductory symposia for the drug in Lahore and Karachi, 1987
Chairman & Speaker for Ciba Giegy in Symposium on Antitubercular treatment in Lahore, 1987
Chairman & Speaker for Squibb International in Symposium on hypertension and antihypertensive drugs in Lahore, 1990 
Chairman & Speaker in Symposium on Gastro-intestinal disorders organized by General Medical Practitioners at Lahore under the auspices of the College of Family Medicine, 1990
Invited as guest speaker in Post-graduate courses in Medicine, Cardiology, Chest disease, and Diabetes, at nearly all Post-graduate Centers in the Country
Chairman and Speaker for Ciba Giegy in Symposium on Antitubercular treatment in Lahore, 1990
Co-Chairman in one of the scientific sessions of the 5th World Diabetic Congress held in Karachi, Pakistan, 1990
Represented the Eastern Mediterranean Region in the World Congress on Diabetes organized by the International Diabetic Federation in Washington D.C., U.S.A., 1991 
Chairman & Speaker on the subject of Management of Diabetes on four occasions invited by the College of Family Medicine and General Practitioners, 1992
Chairman & Speaker on the subject of Hyperlipidaemias in Symposium organized by the M.S.D. Pakistan Ltd. in Lahore and Faisalabad, 1992
Attended Symposium on Diabetic Management in Interlaken, Switzerland, by Eli Lilly, 1992
Chairman Scientific Committee for the Joint meeting of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh, 1993
Represented College of Physicians and Surgeons Pakistan in a Joint meeting of the leaders of Post-graduate Medical Education at the Royal College of physicians of London, 1995


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