Attendance in Seminars, Symposia & Lectures
Guest Speaker for Ciba Giegy on the use of Beta-blockers in hypertension in Lahore, 1982 | |
Guest Speaker for Bayer International for introduction of calcium channel blockers in heart disease in Lahore | |
Conducted trials for Pfizer International on Prazocin thiazide combination Minizide, and read papers in the introductory seminars for the drug in Pakistan at Karachi, Lahore, and Rawalpindi, 1985 | |
Conducted trials for Pfizer International on Salbactam ampicillin (Unacyn) in staph aureous infections (one year), and read papers in the introductory symposia for the drug in Lahore and Karachi, 1987 | |
Chairman & Speaker for Ciba Giegy in Symposium on Antitubercular treatment in Lahore, 1987 | |
Chairman & Speaker for Squibb International in Symposium on hypertension and antihypertensive drugs in Lahore, 1990 | |
Chairman & Speaker in Symposium on Gastro-intestinal disorders organized by General Medical Practitioners at Lahore under the auspices of the College of Family Medicine, 1990 | |
Invited as guest speaker in Post-graduate courses in Medicine, Cardiology, Chest disease, and Diabetes, at nearly all Post-graduate Centers in the Country | |
Chairman and Speaker for Ciba Giegy in Symposium on Antitubercular treatment in Lahore, 1990 | |
Co-Chairman in one of the scientific sessions of the 5th World Diabetic Congress held in Karachi, Pakistan, 1990 | |
Represented the Eastern Mediterranean Region in the World Congress on Diabetes organized by the International Diabetic Federation in Washington D.C., U.S.A., 1991 | |
Chairman & Speaker on the subject of Management of Diabetes on four occasions invited by the College of Family Medicine and General Practitioners, 1992 | |
Chairman & Speaker on the subject of Hyperlipidaemias in Symposium organized by the M.S.D. Pakistan Ltd. in Lahore and Faisalabad, 1992 | |
Attended Symposium on Diabetic Management in Interlaken, Switzerland, by Eli Lilly, 1992 | |
Chairman Scientific Committee for the Joint meeting of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh, 1993 | |
Represented College of Physicians and Surgeons Pakistan in a Joint meeting of the leaders of Post-graduate Medical Education at the Royal College of physicians of London, 1995 |